Addison's 3-in-1 Fly Exterminator in Toronto, Ontario

Addison Pest Control is the fly specialist. We have never failed to eliminate a fly infestation.

Addison Pest Control of Ontario is the fly specialist. We have never failed to eliminate a fly infestation.

You want…

  • To quickly eliminate a house fly or phorid fly infestation...

  • An affordable, professional, honest and warrantied house fly or pholrid fly exterminator in Southern Ontario...

  • An environmentally conscious treatment that is safe for the whole family, including your pets.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Answers to all of your questions

  • A no-obligation quote over the phone in seconds

  • Flexible scheduling with 24/7 same-day service throughout the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario.

  • No hidden service fees or follow-up costs.

Addison has...

  • Decades of experience

  • A trusted track record

  • All-inclusive warranty

  • Comprehensive customer service

  • Rigorously trained technicians

  • Tried and tested extermination methods

  • The safest, most effective insecticides


Service Area Near Toronto, ON

Downtown Toronto, Midtown, Chinatown, the Annex, Burlington, Little Italy, Harbourfront, Cabbagetown, Summerhill, Forest Hill, Rosedale, the Junction, Cornwall, Parkdale, Bloordale,  Scarborough, North York, Brampton, Mississauga, Vaughan, Markham, Pickering, Hamilton, London, and beyond!

Our process


Step 1: Fly Heat Treatment


  • Physical


  • Handheld heat treatment gun.


  • Direct heat applied locally to kitchen cabinets, windows, doors, garbage cans


  • Heat Kills fly eggs.

  • No damage to furniture

  • Instantly kills all bugs and eggs treated.

  • Avoids pesticide resistance.


  • No residual protection.

  • Only kills the bugs and eggs that are visible and accessible to technicians.

  • Not sufficient without other complementary extermination techniques.


Step 2: Fly Powder Treatment


  • Physical + Chemical


  • Power duster


  • A fine silica dust insecticide is injected into all crevices and wall cavities through electrical sockets and gaps underneath baseboards.

  • Electrical items, such as a power bars are treated with powder.


  • Cuts up the abdomen of adults and larvae.

  • Coats the insides of the wall cavities to create a protective powder barrier around your home or apartment.

  • No flies can spread to or from attached houses, adjacent apartments or condo units.

  • Essential lasting protection.

  • Fully approved by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, safe and non-toxic for humans and animals of all shapes and sizes.


  • Only suitable for crack and crevice treatment.


Step 3: Fly spray treatment


  • Chemical + Residual


  • Precision surface sprayer


  • A fine mist of residual spray is applied to kitchen and bathroom cabinets, around light fixtures, window sills, baseboards, door jambs and floors throughout the home.


  • Kills flies on contact and remains active as a protective surface treatment to continue to kill flies as they come out of hiding.

  • Keeps your home protected for up to 6 months.

  • Fully approved by Ontario Ministry of Environment, safe and non-toxic for humans and animals of all shapes and sizes.


  •  If used improperly, may promote pesticide resistance



Beware of Discount Pest Control around Ontario

These companies use low quality or low concentration surface sprays with only 10 to 14 days of protection.

  • The tip off is when they offer to do a “follow-up spray” two weeks after the first treatment. While this may seem extra thorough, flies can remain hidden, or new flies can continue to emerge from their pupae for several weeks after the first treatment.

  • By this time the cheap treatment will have long worn off and the new population will be free to re-infest your home.

  • These budget services can breed pesticide resistance in the flies in your home, making future treatments increasingly challenging.


What you need to know for an effective fly treatment near Toronto, Ontario


If you suspect you have a Fly infestation clear and complete information is the first step to getting rid of them. Here are a few facts, myths, and tips that will help you to make a well informed decision about what to do next.



House Flies (Musca domestica)

House flies are one of the most widely distributed species on the planet. With highly adaptable eating habits, a fast life cycle and highly tuned sensory organs, the housefly can invade and infest almost any home.

How do you get rid of House Flies in Ontario?

physical control:

  • repair window screens, use bead curtains in doorways

  • locate and seal food sources

  • air tight seal on garbage, organic waster and other refuse

  • remove infested material where flies feed and breed

  • fans create air movement and deter flies from landing


  • sticky traps in areas of concentration good for monitoring

  • ultraviolet light traps


  • residual insecticide treatment most effective way to quickly eliminate houseflies

  • call Addison for more information about our fly extermination techniques

How to Identify House Flies?

What do house flies look like?

Adult house flies:

  • grey with a yellowish abdomen

  • four dark longitudinal stripes on the thorax

  • red, compound eyes consisting of thousands of lenses for a full field of vision.

  • measure between 3-6 mm

  • covered with small hairs that act as taste organs

  • size of fly is dependent on nourishment in the pupal stage

  • house flies stop growing as soon as they reach maturity

  • Female house flies tend to be larger than males.

Larvae (maggots)

  • Yellowish white grub shaped lava

  • legless, flightless

  • 3-9 mm long

  • narrow towards the mouth end

House fly life cycle and anatomy

  • Complete metamorphosis: egg, larva (maggot), pupa and adult.

  • Female house flies mate only once and conserve sperm to lay several batches eggs

  • Female lays each batch of 75-100 eggs in humid, high protein organic matter. she lays up to around 500 eggs in a lifetime.

  • In warmer climates and under ideal conditions, rice-like eggs (about 1.2 mm) can hatch into larvae in 12-24 hrs.

  • The legless white maggots are 3-9 mm long and remain in the egg breeding site, feeding and moulting four times.

  • Larvae leave the moist larval site to develop hard, dark outer pupal shells in a dry environment

  • Pupate in a dark place for 3-6 days and emerge as adults capable of reproducing 2-3 days later.

  • Under ideal conditions, this life cycle can finish in just one week, but can take up to a month in adverse conditions

  • typical lifespan in the wild of about a month.

How do I know if I have a house fly infestation in my home Near Toronto, ON?

Signs of House Flies Infestation

  • The presence of adult flies and maggots in abundance

  • Pupae are usually tough to find but may be discovered near the breeding material.

  • Inside your home, adults often rest on walls and ceilings during the day and can be found closer to food sources at night.

How did house flies get into my Ontario home?

  • House flies breed in any rotting organic matter

  • An infestation in your home means the flies are feeding on some rotting food source

  • This food source must be identified and removed

  • Look to remove: a chicken carcass in your compost, rotting food in cupboards or cellars, a dead animal stuck in your chimney or wall void

  • House Flies can also find their way into your home through open windows when in search of food, the interior and exterior of your property should be searched for harbourage material; dog faeces should always be picked up.

What do House Flies eat?

  • House flies are highly adaptive and can eat almost any human waste product from rotting food to feces

  • House fly anatomy makes them best suited to consume liquids, that means they prefer foods that are rotting and liquifying

  • House flies regurgitate saliva onto solid foods to liquify it and then consume it through their proboscis tongue

  • House flies lay their eggs directly on a reliable food source for their young to feed on when they are hatched

How Serious are House Flies?

  • House flies can trasmit typhoid, cholera, dysentery and over 30 other microbial diseases

  • House Flies have been found to be vectors of E.coli, Campylobacter and associated gastrointestinal illnesses and they can even transmit viral hepatitis A and E in addition to the eggs of parasitic worms.

  • House flies land on all kinds of surfaces during their foraging and leave their vomit, and faecal matter all over your food, and food preparation surfaces

  • Dangerous bacteria and pathogens get caught in the hairs on their legs, and harboured in the digestive system of the fly as it forages on decaying foodstuffs and feces

  • These bacteria are then transmitted when the fly lands on and regurgitates on human food and preparation surfaces

  • Bacteria can only survive for a few hours on the legs of house flies, but can last a day or more when they are harboured inside the house fly

  • Common House Flies do not bite, but they are commonly confused with female Stable Flies which require a blood meal before laying their eggs.

Can I get rid of House Flies on my own?

  • The first step is locating and removing the decaying food source the fly is feeding on and breeding in

  • Sealing garbage cans and other foods in the house will limit their numbers

  • Many natural repellants available: cloves, lavender, basil, bay leaves, mint, marigold, wormwood, rue

  • Commercially available sticky traps can cut into their numbers and give a good indication of how severe an infestation is

How Addison Can Help Eliminate House Flies and Prevent House Fly Infestations in the Future

At Addison Pest Control our goal is to remove an infestation as quickly as possible and keep your home fly free for good.

We combine three pest-control techniques applied on a single appointment on a single day and guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment to eradicate the infestation completely.

No pest control method is perfect. With our three-part treatment, each method compensates for the shortcomings of the other. This approach yields quick and dependable results in eliminating house flies.

Every treatment is accompanied by a host of preventative and monitoring measures to ensure ongoing protection against future infestations.

Prevention includes thorough inspection, entry point sealing, identifying and eliminating feeding sources, sticky traps and other monitoring techniques.

  • At Addison, we use professional grade pheromone baited sticky traps to monitor the severity of a house fly infestation and locate the feeding source

  • As part of our service, we conduct a 360º inspection to offer precise insights cut off fly feeding sources and seal off fly entry points into your home

  • Inspect all screens, exhaust vents, weather stripping, door sweeps and house foundation

  • 3-step residual insecticide, heat and poweder treatment eliminates house flies, maggots and eggs efficiently and safely

  • dispose of pet faeces promptly and remove any carcasses or waste from your outdoor spaces.

  • Keeping your property free of potential breeding sites is the most effective preventative measure against all domestic flies.



Phorid Fly (Megaselia scalaris)

AKA:Humpback Fly, Sewer Fly, Scuttle Fly

How do you get rid of Phorid Flies?

physical control:

  • repair window screens, use bead curtains in doorways

  • clean drains

  • locate and seal food sources

  • air tight seal on garbage, organic waste and other refuse

  • remove infested material where flies feed and breed

  • fans create air movement and deter flies from landing


  • sticky traps in areas of concentration good for monitoring

  • ultraviolet light traps


  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solution including residual insecticide and insecticidal powder is the most effective way to quickly eliminate phorid flies

  • call Addison for more information about our fly extermination techniques

What do phorid flies look like?

Adult phorid flies:

  • black or dull brown in colour

  • red, compound eyes consisting of thousands of lenses for a full field of vision.

  • measure between 2-3 mm

  • arched thorax gives them their characteristic humpback appearance and small head

  • a pair of sharp piercing teeth

  • mistaken for gnats or black flies

Larvae (maggots)

  • cream coloured grub shaped lava

  • legless, flightless

  • up to 8 mm long

  • narrow towards the mouth end

House fly life cycle and anatomy

  • Complete metamorphosis: egg, larva (maggot), pupa and adult.

  • under ideal conditions life cycle is complete in 14-21 days

  • The legless cream coloured maggots are 1-8 mm long and remain in the egg breeding site, feeding and moulting three times.

  • males emerge from pupa 1-2 days before females, which gives them an advantage in feeding and preparing their sperm for reproduction

How do I know if I have a phorid fly infestation?

Signs of phorid fly infestation

  • The presence of adult flies and maggots in abudance, in bathrooms, kitchens, open drains, and potted plants

  • often breed inside masoleums, crypts, and graveyards

  • These flies can burrow deep underground to lay their eggs on decomposing bodies

  • strongly attracted to light (photophilic)

  • Inside your home, adults often rest on walls and ceilings during they may be seen scurrying across TV or computer screens

How did phorid flies get into my Southern Ontario home?

  • An infestation in your home means the flies are feeding on some rotting food source, some other organic matter, a diseased potted plant, or a decaying carcass

  • Some examples of feeding sources include

    • slime deposits in drains, humidifier, fridge or ice machine condensation pads

    • decaying carcass in garbage can

    • rotting food in cupboards or cellar

    • a dead animal stuck in your chimney or wall void

  • This food source must be identified and removed

  • Phorid flies can also find their way into your home through open windows when in search of food, the interior and exterior of your property should be searched for harbourage material; dog faeces should always be picked up.

What do Phorid Flies eat?

  • Phorid flies prefer nectar and carrion as feeding and breeding sources

  • Phorid fly anatomy makes them best suited to consume liquids, that means they prefer foods that are rotting and liquifying

  • Phorid flies regurgitate saliva onto solid foods to liquify it and then consume it through their proboscis tongue

  • Phorid flies lay their eggs directly on a reliable food source for their young to feed on when they are hatched

How Serious are Phorid Flies?

  • Phorid flies can trasmit typhoid, cholera, dysentery and over 30 other microbial diseases

  • Phorid Flies have been found to be vectors of E.coli, Campylobacter and associated gastrointestinal illnesses and they can even transmit viral hepatitis A and E in addition to the eggs of parasitic worms.

  • Phorid flies land on all kinds of surfaces during their foraging and leave their vomit, and faecal matter all over your food, and food preparation surfaces

  • Dangerous bacteria and pathogens get caught in the hairs on their legs, and harboured in the digestive system of the fly as it forages on decaying foodstuffs and feces

  • These bacteria are then transmitted when the fly lands on and regurgitates on human food and preparation surfaces

  • Bacteria can only survive for a few hours on the legs of phorid flies, but can last a day or more when they are harboured inside the phorid fly

  • Phorid flies have sets of sharp piercing teeth that they use for digesting food. They have been known to feed on blood of an open wound but they will not puncture the skin of a mammal to draw blood

Can I get rid of phorid flies on my own?

  • The first step is locating and removing the decaying food source the fly is feeding on and breeding in

  • Sealing garbage cans and other foods in the house will limit their numbers

  • Many natural repellants available: cloves, lavender, basil, bay leaves, mint, marigold, wormwood, rue

  • Commercially available sticky traps or homemade cider and vinegar traps can cut into their numbers and give a good indication of how severe an infestation is

How Addison can help eliminate phorid flies and prevent phorid fly infestations in the future

  • At Addison, we use professional grade pheromone baited sticky traps to monitor the severity of a house fly infestation and locate the feeding source

  • As part of our service, we conduct a 360º home inspection to offer precise insights cut off fly feeding sources and seal off fly entry points into your home

  • Inspect all screens, exhaust vents, weather stripping

  • 3-step residual insecticide, heat and powder treatment eliminates house flies, maggots and eggs efficiently and safely

  • Dispose of pet faeces promptly and remove any carcasses or waste from your outdoor spaces.

  • Keeping your property free of potential breeding sites is the most effective preventative measure against all domestic flies.

Great service! I had a problem with house flies so I called them to help me get rid of them before they accumulated further, they were very quick to respond and will help you right away, they came to our house to get rid of the flies the next morning after I called!

They’re also very friendly and answered all the questions I had! Thank you so much!
— Nadin Alshalakany

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