Addison's 3-in-1 Mite & Bird Mite Extermination in Toronto
You want…
To quickly eliminate a mite infestation from your Ontario home, garden or balcony, stop the bites and anxiety caused by this invasive pest...
An affordable, professional, honest and warrantied spider exterminator...
An environmentally conscious treatment that is safe for the whole family, including your pets.
Here’s what to expect:
Answers to all of your questions
A no-obligation quote over the phone in seconds
Flexible scheduling with 24/7 same-day service throughout the GTA of Ontario.
No hidden service fees or follow up costs.
Addison has...
Decades of experience
A trusted track record
All-inclusive warranty
Comprehensive customer service
Rigorously trained technicians
Tried and tested extermination methods
The safest, most effective insecticides
Service Area Around Ontario Near the GTA
Downtown Toronto, Midtown, Chinatown, the Annex, Little Italy, Harbourfront, Cabbagetown, Summerhill, Forest Hill, Rosedale, the Junction, Parkdale, Bloordale, Scarborough, North York, Brampton, Mississauga, Burlington, Vaughan, Markham, Pickering, Hamilton, London and beyond!
Key Facts about Mites
Mites are a large classification of tiny arachnids
Mites that infest animal nests commonly enter homes and infest beds, couches and chairs
Addison can get rid of any species of mites
The most common species in the GTA are the bird mite (Ornithonyssus sylviarum) and the rat mite (Ornithonyssus bacoti)
These mites feed on the blood of their host
Mites depend on their hosts and are therefore most active in warmer months when rats and birds are nesting close to or in the home
Their bites can cause extremely itchy welts, painful rash or an outbreak of dermatitis.
Mites are a vector for transmission of diseases, such as salmonella, to humans
Our process
Step 1: Mite Heat Treatment
Handheld heat treatment gun
Direct heat applied locally to areas of mite concentration such as animal nesting site, couches, chairs, beds, curtains, window sills
Heat kills mite eggs
No damage to furniture
Instantly kills all mites and eggs
Avoids pesticide resistance
No residual protection
Only kills the mites and eggs that are visible and accessible to technicians
Not sufficient without other complementary bed bug extermination techniques.
Step 2: Mite Powder Treatment
Physical + Chemical
Power duster
Fine silica dust insecticide injected into all crevices and wall cavities through electrical sockets and gaps underneath baseboards
Electrical items at risk of infestation, such as a power bars, or electronics in storage are treated with powder
Cuts up the mite abdomen
Coats the insides of the wall cavities to create a protective powder barrier around your home.
No mites can spread to or from attached houses, adjacent apartments or condo units.
Essential lasting protection.
Fully approved by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, safe and non-toxic for humans and animals of all shapes and sizes.
Only suitable for crack and crevice treatment.
Step 3: Mite Spray Treatment
Chemical + Residual
Precision surface sprayer
A fine mist of residual spray applied throughout infested area, including the animal nesting site, beds, box springs, chairs, couches, window sills, door thresholds, baseboards and floors throughout the home
Kills mites on contact and remains active as a protective surface treatment to continue to kill spiders as they come out of hiding
Keeps your home and furniture protected for up to 6 months
Fully approved by Ontario Ministry of Environment, safe and non-toxic for humans and animals of all shapes and sizes
If used improperly, may promote pesticide resistance
Beware of Discount Pest Control in Ontario
Low quality or low concentration surface sprays don’t work
Many budget companies use watered-down insecticides with only 10 to 14 days of protection.
The tip-off is when they offer to do a “follow-up spray” two weeks after the first treatment.
While this may seem extra thorough, mites can survive without a host for up to 9 months.
By this time the budget treatment will have long worn off and the new population of mites will be free to re-infest your home.
These budget services can breed pesticide resistance in the bugs in your home, making future treatments increasingly challenging.
Removing the Animal Nest is key to getting rid of a mite problem in Ontario
What You Need to Know for an Effective Mite Treatment
If you suspect you have a mite infestation in your Toronto, ON home, clear and complete information is the first step to getting rid of them. Here are a few facts, myths, and tips that will help you to make a well informed decision about what to do next.
How to Identify Mites
Mites are a very large classification of arachnids that have a wide range of appearance and behaviour
Most mites encountered near the Toronto area in Ontario are tiny insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans.
What do Mites look like?
Spiders are part of the class of arachnids which have different anatomy than insects
very small: approx. 0.5mm
Short hairs cover their bodies
Semi-transparent, darker after a blood meal
8 legs: 4 pairs with 6 segments each
Simple eyes
No compound eyes
Two body sections: abdomen and cephalothorax
No antennae
No wings
Simple feeding part at the front of their body
difficult to identify because they are so small
easily confused with fleas, however mites do not jump like fleas
Foraging Behaviour
Parasites that feed on the blood of an animal host
Bird mites are found in birds nests – such as pigeons, starlings or sparrows – whereas rat mites will infest the nests of rodents and small mammals – Norway rats, house mice, raccoons
Very adaptable parasites that can survive on a variety of hosts
Most active after nightfall, normally hide on or near the host during the daytime
Activity increases in a warm, moist environment when their host is more sedentary
When birds or rodents depart from their nest mites will enter the home and infest beds, couches, chairs and other human resting places in search of a blood meal
Attracted to CO2, warmth and moisture emitted by humans
tend to cluster around mouth, nose, groin, armpits
Mites can hibernate to survive up to 9 months without a sufficient blood feeding
Mites use aggregation pheromones to attract other mites to a favourable feeding source
Life Cycle and Reproduction
Complete their life cycle in about 7 days
Approx 95% of bird and rat mite populations are female
Male introduces spermatophore into the female’s body
Eggs laid in aggregation area close to a host
Eggs 2-6 weeks to hatch depending on temperature and humidity
First-stage larvae have 6 legs
Larvae feed on shed skin cells not on blood
The larval stage lasts about 3-4 days
Larvae undergo 3 moults to become nymphs
Nymphs have 8 legs and feed on blood
The nymphal stage lasts about 3-4 days
Nymphs moult 3 more times before becoming an adult
How do I know if I have a mite infestation?
Mites are so small that they can often escape detection for long periods of time
adaptable parasites that survive from the blood of birds, rodents, pets or humans
a range of symptoms in humans
itchy, swollen or painful welts
red bumps around mouth, nose, eyes, armpits groin
respiratory irritation such as coughing or sneezing
weight loss
joint aches
If you have a bird or rodent infestation you are at risk of a mite infestation
Where do I look for a mite infestation?
Mites will live either on their host or in a secure hiding spot close by
Mites tend to cluster close to their feeding or nesting area
Check around window sills, dryer vents, heating vents, door jambs
Mites infesting beds gather in the folds of mattresses and box springs, bed skirts, bed frames
How did mites get into my home?
Most common for mites to invade your home through tiny cracks and crevices or vents
Mites often infest rodent, mammal or birds nests
Once these animals depart from the nests mites will make their way inside your home in search of a new host
Are mites dangerous?
Multiply very quickly, minor infestation can escalate in a matter of weeks
Since they have a very fast life cycle they develop pesticide resistance more quickly than longer lived bugs
Excrete an aggregation pheromone to attract other mites in the area to a favourable feeding source
Mites can spread diseases to pets, livestock and humans such as salmonella and encephalitis
Mite bites cause painful skin reactions, respiratory irritation and dermatitis that may persist after eliminating the mite infestation
The psychological strain of having these invasive pests in your home can cause loss of sleep, weight loss and anxiety
Mites are able to hibernate for long periods and can be very difficult to eliminate completely.
How do I prevent a mite infestation?
Being proactive is the key to ensuring a mite-free home and garden in Ontario.
Give us a call today for more information or to schedule same-day mite removal in seconds.
Addison’s mite service includes a comprehensive mite inspection and prevention plan:
a 360º perimeter inspection of the interior and exterior of your home and garden
identification of potentially vulnerable nesting sites for birds rodents and other mammals
Inspection and treatment of all sleeping and resting surfaces such as beds couches and chairs
exclusion of the any entry points with spray foam and steel wool
reinforcement of the roofline with sturdy wire mesh
seal off balconies with bird-proof netting
installation of bird spikes on ledges, rooflines and windowsills
installation of deterrence items such as bird sound generators, predator scarecrows and outdoor flood lights
Identification and elimination of feeding and water sources
pheromone baited professional sticky traps to monitor mite activity
Any rodent or bird removal service should be paired with a mite prevention program
Can I prevent a mite infestation on my own?
Since mites are so tiny they can enter the home through almost any crack or crevice
Inspect your home regularly to uncover bird, rodent or mammal nests as soon as possible
Seal all screens, eaves, weather stripping, dryer and exhaust vents
Check underneath furniture, beds, couches and chairs for evidence of mite activity
Eliminate any attractive bird or mammal nesting site that gives access to homes
How can Addison help eliminate a mites infestation?
Our goal: remove an infestation as quickly as possible and keep your home pest free for good
How we accomplish our goal: Combine three pest-control techniques applied on a single appointment on a single day
All of our treatments use the highest quality and safest insecticides with a long residual value to keep you protected for months
Guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment to eradicate the infestation completely
No pest control method is perfect
With three-part treatment, each method compensates for the shortcomings of the other
Yields quick and dependable results to eliminate mites
Every treatment rodent or bird removal service should be accompanied by mite prevention and monitoring measures
Ongoing protection against future infestations
Prevention includes:
Thorough inspection
Entry point sealing
Identifying and eliminating feeding sources
Sticky traps and other monitoring techniques.
Do mites bite humans?
Mites draw blood from humans, mammals and birds to survive
Their saliva often causes an itchy painful reaction that can show up as red bumps, swollen welts or dermatitis
Mites can spread dangerous pathogens and diseases to humans, pets and livestock
“Michael just finished spraying my house for dust and scabies mites. He was very professional and thorough. Scabies have been living on me for 2 months and it’s been miserable.
Just from the website I felt confident in Addison (as apposed to other sites that didn’t even mention mites) but Michael made sure he got all the hot spots and then some.”